© Guilherme Provenzano Giovanni/WWF-Brasil
Portuguese version, click here.

Science Pantanal Magazine

© Ísis Meri Medri/WWF-Brasil

Since its creation in 2014, the magazine Science Pantanal publishes studies in order to broaden the understanding of the Pantanal biome.

The Science Pantanal magazine arises from the belief that the integration between traditional knowledge and scientific knowledge is fundamental to achieve the desired balance between different social actors; turning ideas and ideals into reality.

This balance is necessary to change two global trends that have a major impact on nature and people: the increase in emissions related to climate change and the loss of biodiversity on the planet.

Together and with qualified information, we can all contribute to reversing global trends of such concern.

And as Pantanal is not only Brazilian, but extends to the territories of Bolivia and Paraguay, the magazine now has the collaboration of researchers and Pantanal indigenous people from the three countries.

New proposals for tax incentives, wildlife management, fire control, participatory zoning and tourism itineraries are of interest to all Pantanal residents. Along with maintaining traditions that teach and educate, these actions ease isolation and act as resources for indigenous resistance. These are some of the topics covered in this fifth issue of the Pantanal Science magazine, along with entertaining and little-known information about white-lipped peccaries, discussions about the importance of determining microhabitats and understanding the infrastructure projects serial impacts that can interrupt natural water flow.


Nuevas propuestas de incentivos fiscales, manejo de la fauna silvestre, control de incendios, zonificación participativa y rutas turísticas son de interés para todos en el Pantanal. Tanto como el mantenimiento de tradiciones que enseñan y educan, alivian el aislamiento o son recursos de la resistencia indígena. Estos son algunos de los temas tratados en las siguientes páginas, en la quinta edición de la Revista Ciencia Pantanal, junto con divertidas y poco conocidas informaciones sobre los pecaríes, discusiones sobre la importancia de conocer los macrohábitats
y de comprender los impactos en una serie de trabajos capaces de interrumpir el flujo natural del agua.

